• Very good Heel goed
    Summit Top
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from Vaassen,Nederland

    went to Theo Maassen on 21 october 2022 17:51 at Stadsschouwburg De Harmonie Leeuwarden

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Expensive when I see the price on the tickets Wel duur als ik de prijs zie die op de tickets staat
    The tickets were pricey, 33 and I paid almost twice. Prijzig op de tickets stond 33 en heb bijna dubbele betaald
    Response from Topticketshop: Dear customer, It is true that our tickets are more expensive than at the original point. We use dynamic pricing based on supply and demand, as is also normal in the flying industry. Ticketmaster also uses this with its platinum tickets. We hope that, despite the higher price, you still had a fantastic evening. Best regards, Joost Topticketshop Beste klant, Het klopt dat onze tickets duurder zijn dan bij het originele punt. Wij maken gebruik van dynamic pricing op basis van vraag en aanbod zoals ook normaal is in de vliegindustrie. Ook ticketmaster maakt hier gebruik van bij haar platinum tickets. Wij hopen dat u ondanks de hogere prijs toch een fantastische avond heeft gehad. Met vriendelijke groeten, Joost Topticketshop
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • Very good show and Dutch language artist. Zeer goede show en kunstenaar van Nederlandse taal.
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from Nederland

    went to Theo Maassen on 21 october 2022 06:35 at Stadsschouwburg De Harmonie Leeuwarden

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Good and fast and clear Goed en snel en duidelijk
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • Lots of laughs Veel gelachen
    Beautiful and very funny show by Theo Maassen. We enjoyed it. Mooie en zeer grappige voorstelling van Theo Maassen. We hebben genoten.
    Verified purchase
    Albert Bosveld from Germany

    went to Theo Maassen on 18 october 2022 16:13 at Wilminktheater Enschede

    Read what Albert Bosveld wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Albert Bosveld about TopTicketshop

    Far too expensive Veel te duur
    Tickets are relatively expensive. Tickets zijn in verhouding erg duur.
    Response from Topticketshop: Dear Albert, It is true that our tickets are more expensive than at the original point. We use dynamic pricing based on supply and demand, as is also normal in the flying industry. Ticketmaster also uses this with its platinum tickets. We hope that, despite the higher price, you still had a fantastic evening. Best regards, Joost Topticketshop Beste Albert, Het klopt dat onze tickets duurder zijn dan bij het originele punt. Wij maken gebruik van dynamic pricing op basis van vraag en aanbod zoals ook normaal is in de vliegindustrie. Ook ticketmaster maakt hier gebruik van bij haar platinum tickets. Wij hopen dat u ondanks de hogere prijs toch een fantastische avond heeft gehad. Met vriendelijke groeten, Joost Topticketshop
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • He was great again Hij was weer geweldig
    Super Super
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from Eindhoven,Nederland

    went to Theo Maassen on 17 october 2022 21:27 at Theater Aan Het Vrijthof Maastricht

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Well organized Goed georganiseerd
    prima Prima
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • Good with a few cross-border things about myself but you know that beforehand... Goed met paar grensoverschrijdendingen wat betreft mijzelf maar dat weet je van te voren...
    Enjoyed Genoten
    Verified purchase
    Jan Wapstra from Nederland

    went to Theo Maassen on 21 october 2022 07:26 at Stadsschouwburg De Harmonie Leeuwarden

    Read what Jan Wapstra wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Jan Wapstra about TopTicketshop

    Nice and easy! Lekker makkelijk!
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
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