The Streamers

The Streamers Tickets

 Foto: ML_Duong from Heerenveen, Netherlands, CC BY 2.0 (, via Wikimedia Commons

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The Streamers Reviews

Based on 89 reviews

This is what our customers think of The Streamers

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  • Very nice Erg leuk
    Verified Purchase Rated at: 29 october 2024 19:32
    Bettina Pelgrom from Nederland

    went to The Streamers on19 october 2024atGelredomeArnhem

    Read what Bettina Pelgrom wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Bettina Pelgrom about TopTicketshop

    Bit difficult with maps Beetje lastig met kaarten
    Couldn't really reserve a seat, I think that's a shame, I would have liked to sit in a different place. Kon niet echt een zitplaats reserveren dat vind ik wel jammer had graag op een andere plek gezeten
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  • It was amazingly beautiful Het was geweldig mooi
    This was a great concert, what an energy these people put into it and what a pleasure they are having. Dit was een geweldige mooie concert, wat stoppen die mensen daar een energie in en wat een plezier hebben ze
    Verified Purchase Rated at: 23 october 2024 03:56
    Jakob Tuin from Nederland

    went to The Streamers on19 october 2024atGelredomeArnhem

    Read what Jakob Tuin wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Jakob Tuin about TopTicketshop

    Nicely delivered Keurig afgeleverd
    The cards were well received and very clear. De kaarten keurig ontvangen en erg duidelijk
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  • Super cool concert Super gaaf concert
    Start well on a regular basis, but after the concert, there was a chaotic situation of people who couldn't get away. Begin goed geregeld alleen na het concert was er chaotisch toestand van mensen die niet weg konden komen
    Verified Purchase Rated at: 22 october 2024 22:10
    Yvonne Boon from Nederland

    went to The Streamers on19 october 2024atGelredomeArnhem

    Read what Yvonne Boon wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Yvonne Boon about TopTicketshop

    Nothing wrong with that Niks mis mee
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  • Musical experience from three generations of top Dutch talents! How beautiful and proud that such a small country has so many wonderful artists together as the Streamers? Thank you Streamers?? Muzikale Belevenis van drie generaties Nederlands toptalenten! Hoe mooi en trots dat zo n klein landje zoveel prachtige artiesten samen the Streamers zijn??Dank jullie wel Streamers??
    The event was great! My compliments to everyone who has contributed to this! Insanely good, think you all? Het evenement was super! Mijn complimenten aan ieder die hieraan haar of zijn steentje heeft bijgedragen! Waanzinnig goed, thnk you all??
    Verified Purchase Rated at: 22 october 2024 09:31
    Anonymous from Nederland

    went to The Streamers on 19 october 2024 at Gelredome Arnhem

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    As the name says: TopTicketShop Top! Zoals de naam zegt: TopTicketshop Top!
    Since the tickets were due two days before the event, I was a bit skeptical when ordering in February whether that would go well, but they surprised me how Top communicated with updates via email. Punctual, links, name tickets, super great, keep it up and stay reliable!!! Thank you guys? Aangezien de tickets twee daagjes voor het event zouden ontvangen, was ik bij bestelling in februari een beetje sceptisvh of dat goed zou gaan, maar wat hebben zij mij verrast hoe Top de communicatie mbt updates via de mail is gegaan. Punctueel, linkjes, tenaamstelling tickets, super super, ga zo door en blijf betrouwbaar!!! Dank jullie wel??
    Response from Topticketshop: Dear customer, Thanks for the great review! We will post it on our site! Best regards, Joost Topticketshop Beste klant, Bedankt voor de superleuke review! Wij zullen hem plaatsen op onze site! Met vriendelijke groeten, Joost Topticketshop
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • Great event Geweldig evenement
    Verified Purchase Rated at: 21 october 2024 20:47
    Anonymous from Nederland

    went to The Streamers on 19 october 2024 at Gelredome Arnhem

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    well Goed
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