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The Phantom Of The Opera Reviews
This is what our customers think of The Phantom Of The Opera
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- had seen it a long time ago in New York, and this was equal!!! had het heel lang geleden gezien in New York, en dit was evenwaardig!!!
Singing, sets, everything was tip-top! Zang, decors, alles was tip top!
Viviane Van de Goor from BelgiumVerified Purchase Rated at: 1 january 1 00:00went to The Phantom Of The Opera on 1 january 1 at Stadsschouwburg Antwerpen
Read what Viviane Van de Goor wrote about TopTicketshopTranslated by TopTicketShop Show original - Beautiful singing Prachtige zang
Nice story Mooi verhaal
Luc Maegh from BelgiumVerified Purchase Rated at: 1 january 1 00:00went to The Phantom Of The Opera on 1 january 1 at Stadsschouwburg Antwerpen
Read what Luc Maegh wrote about TopTicketshopTranslated by TopTicketShop Show original - A very nice experience! Een hele mooie belevenis !
It was really worth going to see the Phantom of the Opera. The music was great, the sets fantastic! The only thing that was difficult was to read the Dutch translation, because the spots were in front of it. Het was echt de moeite waard om naar de Phantom of the opera te gaan kijken. De muziek was prachtig, de decors fantastisch ! Het enige wat moeilijk was, was de Nederlandse vertaling te lezen, omdat de spots ervoor stonden.
Simone Rintjema from BelgiumVerified Purchase Rated at: 1 january 1 00:00went to The Phantom Of The Opera on 2 july 2025 at Stadsschouwburg Antwerpen
Read what Simone Rintjema wrote about TopTicketshopTranslated by TopTicketShop Show original - Beautiful show Prachtige voorstelling
Theater was not experienced as pleasant. Barely any legroom in the seats and we couldn't read the surtitles from the balcony because the lights were hanging in front of them. Too bad, that's how much of what was sung went a long way for me. The ticket wasn't cheap for the balcony either and I expected a better view. We also couldn't see players at one point, because they were too tall and, for the same reason, were half out of sight through the top of the stage for minutes. Theater niet als prettig ervaren. Amper beenruimte bi de zitplaatsen en we konden vanaf het balkon de boventiteling niet meelezen omdat de lampen ervoor hingen. Heel erg jammer, zo is een groot gedeelte van wat er gezongen werd, lang me heen gegaan. Kaartje was ook voor het balkon niet goedkoop en ik had beter zicht verwacht. Spelers konden we op een gegeven moment ook niet meer zien, omdat ze te hoog stonden en om dezelfde reden minutenlang half uit t zicht waren door de bovenkant vh podium.
Anonymous from NederlandVerified Purchase Rated at: 1 january 1 00:00went to The Phantom Of The Opera on 1 january 1 at Stadsschouwburg Antwerpen
Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshopTranslated by TopTicketShop Show original - concert was very good concert was heel goed
beautiful scenery and music mooie decors en muziek
Anonymous from BelgiumVerified Purchase Rated at: 1 january 1 00:00went to The Phantom Of The Opera on 2 august 2025 at Stadsschouwburg Antwerpen
Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshopTranslated by TopTicketShop Show original