
Snelle Tickets

Snelle has more than 10 concerts at the moment. Don't miss Snelle's concert and order your tickets right now!
 Foto: David.E, CC BY-SA 4.0 (, via Wikimedia Commons
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Snelle Reviews

Based on 21 reviews

This is what our customers think of Snelle

Topticketshop collects reviews from real customers. It is not possible to leave a review if you have not purchased tickets from Topticketshop. Reviews with coarse language and/or untruths will not be posted. It may take several weeks before a review is posted.

  • Super fun!!!!!!!!!! Zuper leuk!!!!!!!!!!
    Really good Echt heel goed
    Verified Purchase Rated at: 28 december 2022 14:05
    Renske Stobbelaar from Haarlem,Nederland

    went to Snelle on 17 december 2022 at TivoliVredenburg Utrecht

    Read what Renske Stobbelaar wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Renske Stobbelaar about TopTicketshop

    well Goed
    moderately Matig
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • Far too busy in the room Veel te druk in de zaal
    Far too busy, left earlier. Veel te druk, zijn eerder weggegaan.
    Verified Purchase Rated at: 2 january 2023 07:37
    Anonymous from Amersfoort,Nederland

    went to Snelle on 30 december 2022 at Paradiso Amsterdam

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    prima Prima
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • Nice concert atmosphere that's good Lekker concert sfeer dat er goed in
    It was a good concert, many famous songs came by and the band had a positive energy Het was een goed concert, veel bekende nummer kwamen voorbij en de band had een positieve energie
    Verified Purchase Rated at: 2 january 2023 03:34
    Anonymous from Nederland

    went to Snelle on 30 december 2022 at Paradiso Amsterdam

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Name and price different tickets sold Naam en prijs anders kaarten doorverkocht
    It took a very long time before the cards were emailed, so I was afraid I had been scammed for a moment. When the cards arrived and there was also another name It was up to me and a price (which was explained in the email) that was a third of what I paid for it, did make me suspicious. Glad the cards worked upon arrival, but not very nice to have that 'stress' beforehand. Het duurde erg lang voordat de kaarten werden gemaild, hierdoor was ik even bang dat ik was opgelicht. Toen de kaarten aankwamen en er ook nog een andere naam Op stond en een prijs, (wat wel stond uitgelegd in de mail) die een derde was van dat ik er voor heb betaald werd ik wel wantrouwend. Blij dat de kaarten het deden bij binnenkomst, maar niet heel prettig om die ‘stress’ vooraf te hebben.
    Response from Topticketshop: Dear customer, It is true that our tickets are more expensive than at the original point. We use dynamic pricing based on supply and demand, as is also normal in the flying industry. Ticketmaster also uses this with its platinum tickets. The other name on the ticket is explained by the fact that we are a reseller of resold tickets. Despite everything, we hope you had a fantastic evening. Best regards, Joost Topticketshop Beste klant, Het klopt dat onze tickets duurder zijn dan bij het originele punt. Wij maken gebruik van dynamic pricing op basis van vraag en aanbod zoals ook normaal is in de vliegindustrie. Ook ticketmaster maakt hier gebruik van bij haar platinum tickets. De andere naam die op het ticket staat is te verklaren doordat wij een wederverkoper zijn van doorverkochte tickets. Wij hopen dat u ondanks alles toch een fantastische avond heeft gehad. Met vriendelijke groeten, Joost Topticketshop
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • WET?? NAT??
    It was a lot of fun, great atmosphere, top performers, bad and expensive restaurants. Het was heel gezellig, goede sfeer, top artiesten, slechte en prijzige Eetgelegenheden.
    Verified Purchase Rated at: 1 july 2022 16:00
    Irma Kooij from Soest,Nederland

    went to Snelle on 30 june 2022 at Paleis Soestdijk Baarn

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    Review from Irma Kooij about TopTicketshop

    Great experience Prima ervaring
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  • Nice show, but it's been warm since then!! Leuke show, maar sedert warm!!
    Verified Purchase Rated at: 16 april 2024 11:04
    Patrick Dirks from Nederland

    went to Snelle on 13 april 2024 at Muziekgieterij Maastricht

    Read what Patrick Dirks wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Patrick Dirks about TopTicketshop

    Nice show, but very warm!! Leuke show, maar eeeerg warm!!!
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