• Simply super Simply super
    Verified purchase
    Christa Oppers from Rijen,Nederland

    went to Simply Red on 11 november 2022 15:30 at Ziggo Dome Amsterdam

    Read what Christa Oppers wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Christa Oppers about TopTicketshop

    Good support Goede support
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  • still going strong! still going strong!
    how great this band is still great wat super deze band nog steeds geweldig
    Verified purchase
    DCB B.V. DCB B.V. Ralph Reinders from Aalsmeer,Nederland

    went to Simply Red on 11 november 2022 15:29 at Ziggo Dome Amsterdam

    Read what DCB B.V. DCB B.V. Ralph Reinders wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from DCB B.V. DCB B.V. Ralph Reinders about TopTicketshop

    Tickets vs seat Tickets vs zitplaats
    I don't know if it was just me but I would have preferred to be in the auditorium but couldn't select any kind of ticket. otherwise fine, although the price on the ticket is a lot cheaper than what I paid, here I do miss some transparency. so far, my tickets have always been good, I did see at concerts that people had invalid tickets that they had bought in the same way as me. I hope I don't ever stand at the entrance and not get in Ik weet niet of het aan mij lag maar ik had liever in de zaal gestaan maar kon geen soort ticket selecteren. verder prima hoewel de prijs die op het ticket staat wel een stuk voordeliger is dan wat ik heb betaald hier mis ik toch wat transparantie. tot nu toe waren mijn tickets altijd goed ik zag wel bij concerten dat mensen ongeldige tickets hadden die ze op de zelfde manier hadden gekocht als ik. ik hoop niet dat ik ooit bij de ingang sta en er niet in kom
    Response from Topticketshop: Dear DCB, Sorry that you are not satisfied with our services. We will use your feedback to try to improve our services. Thanks for your response and hope to see you soon. Best regards, Joost Topticketshop Beste DCB, Vervelend dat u niet tevreden bent met onze diensten. Wij zullen uw feedback gebruiken om te proberen onze dienstverlening te verbeteren. Bedankt voor uw reactie en hopelijk tot ziens. Met vriendelijke groeten, Joost Topticketshop
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  • Great Gelweldig
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    Anonymous from Zoetermeer,Nederland

    went to Simply Red on 11 november 2022 15:27 at Ziggo Dome Amsterdam

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Too much margin on tickets, but less Te veel marge op de tickets,mag wel minder
    Response from Topticketshop: Dear customer, It is true that our tickets are more expensive than at the original point. We use dynamic pricing based on supply and demand, as is also normal in the flying industry. Ticketmaster also uses this with its platinum tickets. We hope that, despite the higher price, you still had a fantastic evening. Best regards, Joost Topticketshop Beste klant, Het klopt dat onze tickets duurder zijn dan bij het originele punt. Wij maken gebruik van dynamic pricing op basis van vraag en aanbod zoals ook normaal is in de vliegindustrie. Ook ticketmaster maakt hier gebruik van bij haar platinum tickets. Wij hopen dat u ondanks de hogere prijs toch een fantastische avond heeft gehad. Met vriendelijke groeten, Joost Topticketshop
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  • Top concert, Top concert,
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from Hilversum,Nederland

    went to Simply Red on 11 november 2022 15:15 at Ziggo Dome Amsterdam

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Top concert! Top concert!
    The best concert so far. The best concert so far.
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  • mighty indrukwekkend
    Verified purchase
    Michael Peffer from Rijswijk,Nederland

    went to Simply Red on 11 november 2022 15:19 at Ziggo Dome Amsterdam

    Read what Michael Peffer wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Michael Peffer about TopTicketshop

    Okay Oke
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