• Fantasmorgasmic show Fantasmorgastische voorstelling
    Scapino with the Nits, Dream Show. We ended up in a different world. The dance was inspiring, super energetic, the acrobatics were daring, the music and the dance came together in a special way. The lyrics of the Nits were pure poetry.. Everything was beautifully tightly directed, with things flowing together. Do you need to say more? Thanks Scapino, thanks Nits. Scapino met de Nits, Droomvoorstelling. Wij kwan terecht in een andere wereld. De dans was inspirerend, super energiek, de acrobatiek was gedrurfd, de muziek en de dans vloeiden op bijzondere wijze samen. De teksten van de Nits waren pure poëzie.. Alles was mooi strak geregisseerd, waarbij een en ander in elkaar vloeide. Moet er nog meer gezegd? Bedankt Scapino, bedankt Nits.
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from Hoogerheide,Nederland

    went to Scapino Ballet on 8 october 2018 14:17 at Nieuwe Luxortheater Rotterdam

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Booking went smoothly plus good information, so very satisfied. Boeking verliep zonder problemen plus goede informatie, dus zeer tevreden.
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  • Fantastic show Fantastische voorstelling
    The combination of the Nits with the ballet was amazing. My compliments for the ballet, which was able to give an extra dimension to the music. De combinatie van de Nits met het ballet was geweldig. Mijn complimenten voor het ballet die in staat was een extra dimensie te geven aan de muziek.
    Verified purchase
    Herman Slettenhaar from Aalten,Nederland

    went to Scapino Ballet on 8 october 2018 11:27 at Carre Amsterdam

    Read what Herman Slettenhaar wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Herman Slettenhaar about TopTicketshop

    Well, cards arrived right on time Goed, kaarten kwamen keurig op tijd
    well Goed
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  • Great! Geweldig!
    A beautiful show with music, tie, ballet and circus. We were really impressed with this, with a lot of goosebumps. Een prachtige voorstelling met muziek, das, ballet en circus . We waren hiervan echt onder de indruk, met veel kippenvel momenten.
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from Sebaldeburen,Nederland

    went to Scapino Ballet on 4 october 2018 17:06 at Nieuwe Luxortheater Rotterdam

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    well Goed
    Too bad it was so pricey. If I had known earlier, I would have preferred to order tickets directly, without an intermediary. Jammer dat het zo prijzig was. Als ik het eerder had geweten, had ik liever kaarten rechtstreeks besteld, zonder tussenpersoon.
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  • Unmatched performance of dance, music and acrobatics. Onovertroffen uitvoering van dans, muziek en acrobatiek.
    Had a fantastic evening in Carré thanks to Ting. Een fantastische avond beleefd in Carré dankzij Ting.
    Verified purchase
    Nico van Kralingen from Amstelveen,Nederland

    went to Scapino Ballet on 4 october 2018 17:06 at Carre Amsterdam

    Read what Nico van Kralingen wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Nico van Kralingen about TopTicketshop

    prima Prima
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  • we enjoyed it from start to finish wij hebben genoten van begin tot het eind
    the ballet with a band, you don't know how that will go but was great het ballet samen met een band ,je weet niet hoe dat zal gaan maar was super
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from Hillegom,Nederland

    went to Scapino Ballet on 4 october 2018 11:45 at Carre Amsterdam

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Everything was perfectly arranged Alles was perfect geregeld
    Well written with information included Goed gereld met informatie erbij
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
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