• Very fun and musical! Erg leuk en muzikaal!
    Fine! Prima!
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from Heemstede,Nederland

    went to Sara Kroos on 4 april 2018 11:50 at Stadsschouwburg Haarlem Haarlem

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Excellent communication Prima communicatie
    Are you good at ordering tickets? Kun je prima kaartjes bestellen
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • An unparalleled, lethal view of many things, full of mockery, great musical performance by all three, beautiful voice by Sara. Weergaloos dodelijk heldere kijk op veel zaken , volhor en spot gebracht , geweldig muzikaal optreden van alledrie, mooie stem van Sara
    Enjoyed it and talked about it for a long time. Please let them do a New Year's Eve Conference! Dieta Volop genoten en er nog lang over nagepraat . Laat ze a.u.b. Een oudejaarsconference doen !Dieta
    Verified purchase
    Dieta Kruithof from Epe,Nederland

    went to Sara Kroos on 8 december 2017 14:22 at De Kleine Komedie Amsterdam

    Read what Dieta Kruithof wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Dieta Kruithof about TopTicketshop

    Well organized, fast and effective. Prima geregeld , snel en doeltreffend.
    Keep up the good work! Ga zo door !
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • Exhilarating and direct Enerverend en direct
    We had a lovely night out. Good laughs. I don't mind self-deprecation at all, but I didn't particularly like some things about her orientation (portrayals). We hebben een heerlijk avondje uit gehad. Lekker gelachen. Zelfspot vind ik helemaal niet erg, maar sommige dingen over haar geaardheid (uitbeeldingen) voornamelijk vond ik niet zo.
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from Dokkum,Nederland

    went to Sara Kroos on 12 february 2018 10:00 at XX OLD XX De Harmonie Leeuwarden

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    well Goed
    Got an immediate call for a replacement date when she was ill. The date was also quite fast Kreeg meteen een telefoontje voor een vervangende datum toen ze ziek was. Ook de datum was best snel
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • Breathing and witty: she just mentions it. Lovely! Adrem en gevat: ze benoemt het gewoon. Heerlijk!
    Sara Kroos is really nice. She mentions the things that we all recognize but that sometimes there is a bit of trepidation about. She is very calm and sharp and knows how to deliver it in a fun way. Lovely evening of laughter, time flew by! Sara Kroos is echt erg leuk. Ze benoemt de dingen die we allemaal herkennen maar waar soms toch wat schroom over bestaat. Ze is heel adrem en scherp en weet het op een leuke manier te brengen. Heerlijk avondje gelachen, de tijd vloog om!
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from Elst,Nederland

    went to Sara Kroos on 13 april 2018 09:19 at Stadstheater Arnhem Arnhem

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Excellent service Prima service
    Orders are always smooth, fast and clear. De bestellingen lopen altijd soepel, snel en duidelijk.
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  • Smile, recognize but fly away! Lachen, herkennen maar omgevlogen!
    Full of jokes from start to finish but also recognition and sometimes very rude but secretly having to laugh. Van begin tot eind vol grappen maar ook herkenning en soms erg grof maar dan toch stiekem moeten lachen.
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from Geldrop,Nederland

    went to Sara Kroos on 19 february 2018 11:31 at Parkstad Limburg Theaters Kerkrade Kerkrade

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Clearly, I love that. Duidelijk, daar houd ik van.
    Just the way it should be. Not too much unnecessary information. Gewoon zoals het hoort. Niet te veel onnodige informatie.
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
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