• Goosebumps Kippevel
    As has been the case for years, the quality is very impressive in terms of sound and show. The only downside I found was that the fuerzone was difficult to reach, a funnel of people forms towards the fuerzone entrance. Getting a drink there was no way. Zoals al jaren is de kwaliteit zeer indrukwekkend qua geluid en show . Enige minpunt vond ik dat de fuerzone slecht te bereiken was er vormt zich een trechter van mensen richting de fuerzone ingang . Een drankje halen daar was niet te doen
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    Rick Nieuwenhuijs from 's-Gravenhage,Nederland

    went to Rammstein on 3 october 2022 19:53 at Goffertpark Nijmegen

    Read what Rick Nieuwenhuijs wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Rick Nieuwenhuijs about TopTicketshop

    prima Prima
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  • terrific Geweldig
    Great organization. Prima organisatie.
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from Okkenbroek,Nederland

    went to Rammstein on 1 october 2022 18:59 at Goffertpark Nijmegen

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Good organization Goede organisatie
    Good organization Goede organisatie
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  • Great in the Feuer Zone Geweldig in de Feuerzone
    The event was great. We found the bus connection to and back very poor. This is because the stops were far, far too far from the stadium. We are good at walking, but even a woman who ran poorly had to get off the bus there, much to her own shock. Het evenement was super. De bus verbinding er naar toe en weer terug vonden we zeer matig. Dit omdat de haltes veel en veel te ver van het stadion af waren. Wij kunnen goed lopen maar ook een slecht lopende mevrouw moest daar tot eigen schrik de bus uit.
    Verified purchase
    Wim Segveld from Dalerpeel,Nederland

    went to Rammstein on 1 october 2022 10:47 at Goffertpark Nijmegen

    Read what Wim Segveld wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Wim Segveld about TopTicketshop

    Everything well and clearly arranged. Alles goed en duidelijk geregeld.
    Just good. Despite the corona woes, just clear and the necessary information on time. Gewoon goed. Ondanks de corona ellende gewoon duidelijke en de nodige info op tijd.
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  • Fabelhaft Fabelhaft
    Super Zuper
    Verified purchase
    Fred Kolff from Nederland

    went to Rammstein on 1 october 2022 08:20 at Goffertpark Nijmegen

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    Review from Fred Kolff about TopTicketshop

    Well arranged Goed geregeld
    Well arranged Goed geregeld
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  • Mwah Mwah
    Rammstein in itself was like Rammstein always is: COOL! Only the stage was far too low, so there was nothing to see, no screens so I recorded everything on my phone with my arms out in the air, and then had to look back. On the videos, I saw things that escaped me (and the rest of the group)! I myself am 1.77m tall so certainly not the smallest, but it was so busy that everyone looked at the back of each other's heads. Podium a lot higher would have been the solution! The sound is also often bad. Very unfortunate! Rammstein an sich was zoals Rammstein altijd is: VET! Alleen podium veel te laag waardoor niets te zien was, geen schermen waardoor ik alles op mijn telefoon heb opgenomen met gestrekte armen in de lucht, en vervolgens terug heb moeten kijken. Op de filmpjes zag ik dingen die mij (en de rest vd groep) zijn ontgaan! Ikzelf ben 1.77m dus zeker niet de kleinste, maar het was zo druk dat iedereen tegen elkaars achterhoofd aan keek. Podium een stuk hoger was dé oplossing geweest! Geluid met regelmaat ook slecht. Erg jammer!
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    Anonymous from Nederland

    went to Rammstein on 1 october 2022 06:16 at Goffertpark Nijmegen

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Fine! Prima!
    Everything went smoothly. Alles naar behoren verlopen.
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