Plien En Bianca

Plien En Bianca Tickets

The funniest women in the Netherlands are coming to the theater near you soon.
Plien and Bianca treat you to crazy types, moving hilarity and heartbreaking humor for an evening! A real hit for the cabaret fan!
 Foto: Plien en Bianca, (aangepaste afbeelding) )Author, Nina, WIkimedia Commons (CC BY 2.0)
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Plien En Bianca Reviews

Based on 100+ reviews

This is what our customers think of Plien En Bianca

Topticketshop collects reviews from real customers. It is not possible to leave a review if you have not purchased tickets from Topticketshop. Reviews with coarse language and/or untruths will not be posted. It may take several weeks before a review is posted.

  • Well done show! Goed verzorgde voorstelling!
    Verified purchase
    Sonja van Zanten from Nederland

    went to Plien En Bianca on 24 april 2023 08:04 at Nieuwe Luxortheater Rotterdam

    Read what Sonja van Zanten wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Sonja van Zanten about TopTicketshop

    We think we're ripped off by top tickets by asking more than twice for a ticket! We vinden ons opgelicht door toptickets door meer dan het dubbele te vragen voor een ticket!
    A very bad experience for us and will not use it again Voor ons een zeer slechte ervaring en zal er geen gebruik meer van maken
    Response from Topticketshop: Dear Sonja, Thank you for leaving a review on our website. Your feedback is very important to us. In this way, you help us improve our services and you also help other consumers make a decision. Sorry that you are not satisfied with our services. We will use your feedback to try to improve our services. Thanks for your response and hope to see you soon. Best regards, Joost Topticketshop Beste Sonja, Bedankt voor het schrijven van een review op onze website. Uw feedback vinden wij erg belangrijk. U helpt ons zo onze dienstverlening te verbeteren en ook helpt u andere consumenten met het maken van een beslissing. Vervelend dat u niet tevreden bent met onze diensten. Wij zullen uw feedback gebruiken om te proberen onze dienstverlening te verbeteren. Bedankt voor uw reactie en hopelijk tot ziens. Met vriendelijke groeten, Joost Topticketshop
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • Enjoyed the great show immensely. Too bad that the balustrade on the balcony obstructed the view. Enorm genoten van de geweldige voorstelling. Jammer dat de balustrade op t balkon t zicht belemmerde
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from Nederland

    went to Plien En Bianca on 23 april 2023 20:12 at Stadsschouwburg Haarlem Haarlem

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    prima Prima
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • Original! Daring! Relaxing! Origineel! Gedurfd! Ontspannend!
    Verified purchase
    S Kroon from Nederland

    went to Plien En Bianca on 21 april 2023 13:37 at Stadsschouwburg Haarlem Haarlem

    Read what S Kroon wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from S Kroon about TopTicketshop

    Fantastic on time and attentive!! Fantastisch bijtijds en attent!!
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • moderate to reasonable, grand structure but disappointing to weak clue from the acts, a bit worn out impression matig to redelijk, grootse opbouw maar teleurstellende tot flauwe clue van de acts, beetje afgerafffelde indruk
    many recognizable pieces and clothes from previous shows veel herkenbare stukken en kleding van vorige shows
    Verified purchase
    S vijfvinkel from Geervliet,Nederland

    went to Plien En Bianca on 20 april 2023 20:00 at Nieuwe Luxortheater Rotterdam

    Read what S vijfvinkel wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from S vijfvinkel about TopTicketshop

    Reasonable Redelijk
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • They are toppers Het zijn toppertjes
    Old fashioned laughs again. Make the different types so funny, But do make it a coherent whole, through a common thread that runs through it all the time. Weer ouderwets gelachen. Zetten de verschillende types zo grappig neer, Maar maken het wel tot een samenhangend geheel,door een rode draad die er steeds doorheen loopt.
    Verified purchase
    Editha de Grooth from Haarlem,Nederland

    went to Plien En Bianca on 15 april 2023 13:33 at Stadsschouwburg Haarlem Haarlem

    Read what Editha de Grooth wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Editha de Grooth about TopTicketshop

    Nicely arranged. Keurig geregeld.
    Got the tickets on time, and luckily a good view of the stage. Op tijd de tickets gekregen,en gelukkig goed zicht op het toneel.
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation