• Cool music festival Cool muziekfestival
    This year, on Sunday, good acoustics with visited artists Ibrahim Malouf with the metropolis orchestra: magnificent, dazzling and highly interacting with publish, Candy Dulfer class, very good musical and Gregory Porter beautiful. All 3 concerts were packed: it was well worth the effort and the costs. It's just a shame that Soaks weren't offered in previous years, Jazzcafe dinner concerts. Dit jaar op zondag goede akoestiek bij bezochte artiesten Ibrahim Malouf met metropool orkest grandioos, wervelend en bijzonder interacting met publish, Candy Dulfer klasse, zeer goed muzikaal en Gregory Porter mooi. Alle 3 concerten zaken stampvol: het was de moeite en de kosten meer dan waard. Alleen jammer dat er niet soaks voorgaande jaren dinerconcerten Jazzcafe werden aangeboden.
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    Anonymous from Vlaardingen,Nederland

    went to North Sea Jazz Festival on 11 july 2016 10:09 at Ahoy Rotterdam

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Good, friendly and knowledgeable Goed, vriendelijke en deskundig
    Fine Prima
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  • delightfully Heerlijk
    Feeling like home, top attractions, look forward to next edition Volet als thuis, top attracties kijk uit naar volgende editie
    Verified purchase
    Peter Keijzer from Amsterdam,Nederland

    went to North Sea Jazz Festival on 11 july 2016 10:05 at Ahoy Rotterdam

    Read what Peter Keijzer wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Peter Keijzer about TopTicketshop

    Effective and friendly Effectief en vriendelijk
    Tasty, easy and uncomplicated. Lekker maakkelijk en ongecompliceerd
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  • It was super fun! Het was super leuk!
    It was cozy and busy. Many stages and many different artists, there was a wide choice of food and drink. Too bad it's over again. Het was er gezellig en druk. Veel podia en veel verschillende artiesten er was een ruime keus in eten en drinken. Jammer dat het weer voorbij is.
    Verified purchase
    Olaf Ladoex de fretes from Haarlem,Nederland

    went to North Sea Jazz Festival on 11 july 2016 09:29 at Ahoy Rotterdam

    Read what Olaf Ladoex de fretes wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Olaf Ladoex de fretes about TopTicketshop

    They delivered the cards quickly Ze hebben de kaarten snel geleverd
    It was easy to order the tickets. Het was makkelijk de kaarten te bestellen.
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  • Refined perfection Verfijnde perfectie
    North Sea Jazz 2016 was a well-oiled machine. Great performances in a great atmosphere. Nice, pleasant and very service-oriented. There was good cleaning everywhere. Only found the toilets very expensive. North Sea Jazz 2016 was een goed geoliede machine. Mooie optredens in een prima ambiance. Prettig, aangenaam en erg servicegericht. Er werd goed schoongehouden overal. Vond alleen de toiletten erg duur.
    Verified purchase
    Wilma Schutten from Den Hout,Nederland

    went to North Sea Jazz Festival on 11 july 2016 10:07 at Ahoy Rotterdam

    Read what Wilma Schutten wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Wilma Schutten about TopTicketshop

    Late enrollment Late inschrijving
    Suddenly, North Sea Jazz sold out. It shocked me. However, at TopTicketShop, you could see at a glance which last tickets were left. I quickly booked for Sunday. Excellent service and also excellent handling. Ineens was North Sea Jazz uitverkocht. Ik schrok ervan. Echter op TopTicketshop zag je in n oogopslag welke laatste kaarten er nog waren. Ik heb snel geboekt voor de zondag. Prima service en ook prima afhandeling.
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  • surprising Verrassend
    Very good as usual.I've been coming there for over 30 years Zeer goed zoals gewoonlijk.Ik kom er al meer dan 30 jaar
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from Maasland,Nederland

    went to North Sea Jazz Festival on 11 july 2016 09:30 at Ahoy Rotterdam

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    well Goed
    Well, everything went as agreed Goed, alles verliep zoals afgesproken
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