Myles Kennedy

Myles Kennedy Tickets

Myles Kennedy has 1 concert at the moment. Don't miss the Myles Kennedy concert and order your tickets right now!
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Myles Kennedy Reviews

Based on 1 reviews

This is what our customers think of Myles Kennedy

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  • Amazing concert with a great atmosphere Waanzinnig concert met een goeie sfeer
    I really enjoyed his whole performance... that guy has a voice that makes your mouth water Ik heb echt genoten van heel zn optreden...die vent heeft een stem waar je mond van open valt
    Verified purchase
    Steven Monster from Rotterdam,Nederland

    went to Myles Kennedy on 14 march 2018 08:15 at Melkweg Amsterdam

    Read what Steven Monster wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Steven Monster about TopTicketshop

    Well organized Goed georganiseerd
    I'm glad I went... it was really great Ik ben blij dat ik gegaan ben...t was echt grandioos goed
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation