• excellent excellent
    Really well organized, that's all I can say. Traffic supervisors did a great job to ensure that everyone had a chance to get away from the parking lots. Echt goed georganiseerd meer kan ik niet zeggen.Verkeersbegeleiders deed prima werk om te zorgen dat iedereen een kans kreeg om van de parkeerplaatsen weg te komen
    Verified Purchase Rated at: 11 july 2015 04:20
    David Tomlinson from Bad Bentheim,Germany

    went to Mumford And Sons on4 july 2015atGoffertparkNijmegen

    Read what David Tomlinson wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from David Tomlinson about TopTicketshop

    Fine! Prima!
    Cards on time when emailed. Fine! Kaarten netjes op tijd bij e-mail. Prima!
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • Enjoyed!!!! Genoooooooten!!!!
    Had a lovely afternoon and evening, nice park, nice weather and great music!! Heerlijke middag en avond gehad, mooi park mooi weer en geweldige muziek!!
    Verified Purchase Rated at: 7 july 2015 20:55
    Ami van der wijst from Nijmegen,Nederland

    went to Mumford And Sons on4 july 2015atGoffertparkNijmegen

    Read what Ami van der wijst wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Ami van der wijst about TopTicketshop

    Just good!! Gewoon goed!!
    Just in the day, as promised, my ticket in my mailbox!! Netjes op de dag, zoals beloofd,mijn ticket in mijn mailbox!!
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • Amazing concert, they are fantastic live! Amazing concert, live zijn ze fantastisch!
    It was well organized in terms of transport, the site looked nice and the concert was great. Het was goed geregeld qua vervoer, het terrein zag er mooi uit en het concert was super.
    Verified Purchase Rated at: 7 july 2015 09:24
    Margreet Broekstra from Amsterdam,Nederland

    went to Mumford And Sons on4 july 2015atGoffertparkNijmegen

    Read what Margreet Broekstra wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Margreet Broekstra about TopTicketshop

    Fine, does what is promised. Prima, doet wat er wordt toegezegd.
    Tickets were easy to find, ordering went well, confirmation by mail and two weeks in advance I received the tickets. It went as said, so fine. Kaarten waren makkelijk te vinden, bestellen ging prima, bevestiging via mail en twee weken vantevoren ontving ik de kaarten. Het ging zoals werd gezegd, dus prima.
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • great band geweldige band
    well Goed
    Verified Purchase Rated at: 7 july 2015 21:22
    Anonymous from Overasselt,Nederland

    went to Mumford And Sons on 4 july 2015 at Goffertpark Nijmegen

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    well Goed
    well Goed
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • good music but the sound could be better goede muziek, maar het geluid kon beter
    Cosy and good. unfortunately, a woman next to us became unwell, so we missed part because we picked up the first aid Gezellig en goed. helaas werd een vrouw naast ons onwel, waardoor we een deel hebben gemist omdat we de ehbo hebben opgehaald
    Verified Purchase Rated at: 8 july 2015 19:35
    Lian Nijhof from Albergen,Nederland

    went to Mumford And Sons on4 july 2015atGoffertparkNijmegen

    Read what Lian Nijhof wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Lian Nijhof about TopTicketshop

    Correct and clear help Correct en duidelijk geholpen
    Handled correctly and clearly by phone. The e-mails afterwards were also clear Telefonisch correct en duidelijk behandeld. Ook de mails nadien waren duidelijk
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
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