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Lebbis Reviews
This is what our customers think of Lebbis
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- Original and very funny Origineel en zeer grappig
Lebbis describes current problems in a special way and gives them a humorous twist. Sometimes rude and over the edge, sometimes philosophical and contemplative. He is sometimes cautious... with some jokes, he adds a joke! or indicates that this should be possible with cabaret. I especially love Hans as a storyteller! Lebbis beschrijft op een bijzondere manier de actuele problemen en geeft daar een humoristische twist aan. Soms grof en over het randje, dan weer filosofisch en beschouwend. Voorzichtig is hij soms wel.....bij sommige grappen zegt hij erbij grapje! of geeft aan dat dit moet kunnen bij cabaret. Ik vind Hans vooral een verhalenverteller, heerlijk!
Roel Oost from NederlandVerified Purchase Rated at: 8 november 2022 09:06went to Lebbis on 5 november 2022 at Deventer Schouwburg Deventer
Read what Roel Oost wrote about TopTicketshopTranslated by TopTicketShop Show original - Great, we laughed our ass off. Geweldig, we hebben ons rot gelachen.
Very nice, I would like to do it more often Erg leuk, ik zou het vaker willen doen
Anonymous from Soesterberg,NederlandVerified Purchase Rated at: 21 april 2020 23:09went to Lebbis on 22 february 2020 at Flint Amersfoort
Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshopTranslated by TopTicketShop Show original - Messy but old-fashioned, sharp again Rommelig maar weer ouderwets scherpAnonymous from NederlandVerified Purchase Rated at: 17 march 2020 20:07
went to Lebbis on 6 march 2020 at Oude Luxor Theater Rotterdam
Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshopTranslated by TopTicketShop Show original - Enjoyed Genoten
Enjoyed another fun, smartly put together show. Genoten van weer een leuke, slim in elkaar gezette show.
Anonymous from Leiden,NederlandVerified Purchase Rated at: 12 december 2022 14:57went to Lebbis on 2 december 2022 at Oude Luxor Theater Rotterdam
Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshopTranslated by TopTicketShop Show original - As always, very sharp and critical, a high level from start to finish, great! Zoals altijd zeer scherp en kritisch, van begin tot eind hoog niveau, super!Leo Kuiper from Leiden,NederlandVerified Purchase Rated at: 12 november 2019 11:37
went to Lebbis on 1 november 2019 at Ludens Voorburg
Read what Leo Kuiper wrote about TopTicketshopTranslated by TopTicketShop Show original
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