Hilarious, I was crying with laughter!
Hilarisch, heb lopen huilen van het lachen!
You were very strictly controlled that you did not use a phone or other material in the room to record anything or anything. But this was quite understandable, since the show was so funny, I get that they want to prevent anything from coming out at all costs. So definitely recommended! Je werd heel streng gecontroleerd dat je geen telefoon of ander materiaal in de zaal gebruikte om iets op te nemen ofzo. Maar dit was heel begrijpelijk aangezien de show zo grappig was, snap ik dat ze ten koste van alles willen voorkomen dat iets naar buiten komt. Dus zeker een aanrader!
Verified Purchase Rated at: 19 january 2016 08:30
went to Kevin Hart on 16 january 2016 at Ziggo Dome Amsterdam
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It was great, so comediens need to come more often. Het was geweldig zo comediens moeten vaker komen
Verified Purchase Rated at: 19 january 2016 08:22
went to Kevin Hart on 16 january 2016 at Ziggo Dome Amsterdam
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Kevin heart was the Shit!!! Kevin hart was the Shit!!!
Verified Purchase Rated at: 19 january 2016 08:21
went to Kevin Hart on 16 january 2016 at Ziggo Dome Amsterdam
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Should you do Moet je doen
Verified Purchase Rated at: 19 january 2016 08:14
went to Kevin Hart on 16 january 2016 at Ziggo Dome Amsterdam
Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop
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Great show, laughed all night!
Great show, laughed all night!
Great show, laughed all night! Great show, laughed all night!
Verified Purchase Rated at: 19 january 2016 08:08
went to Kevin Hart on 16 january 2016 at Ziggo Dome Amsterdam
Read what Mitchell van der Drift wrote about TopTicketshop
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