• Super Super
    Great, topi Super ,topi
    Verified purchase
    Andreas Brummer from Ter Apel,Nederland

    went to K3 on 14 november 2022 14:13 at Martiniplaza Theater Groningen

    Read what Andreas Brummer wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Andreas Brummer about TopTicketshop

    Summit Top
    Everything folded perfectly Alles perfekt geklappt
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  • fantastically enjoyed fantastisch genoten
    well arranged goed gereleld
    Verified purchase
    Foekje Broekert from Bakkeveen,Nederland

    went to K3 on 14 november 2022 14:06 at Martiniplaza Theater Groningen

    Read what Foekje Broekert wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Foekje Broekert about TopTicketshop

    Thought you had to wait a long time after ordering before you got the tickets Vond dat je na bestelling lang moest wachten voordat je de tickeds kreeg
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  • terrific Geweldig
    Verified purchase
    CM Griensven from Nistelrode,Nederland

    went to K3 on 14 november 2022 14:00 at Mainstage Brabanthallen Den Bosch

    Read what CM Griensven wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from CM Griensven about TopTicketshop

    Perfect Perfect
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  • What a lovely children's party where parents were also singing along! Never bored! Wat een mooi kinderfeest waarbij ouders ook flink aan het meezingen waren! Geen moment verveeld!
    What a lovely performance! Wat een heerlijk optreden!
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from Nederland

    went to K3 on 14 november 2022 13:58 at Mainstage Brabanthallen Den Bosch

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Fast, reliable and good communication Snel, betrouwbaar en goede communicatie
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  • The show was good to hear. Too bad the view on the stage was bad. De show was goed zo te horen. Jammer dat het zicht op het podium slecht was
    The concert was great, received enthusiastically by my daughter. Too bad it was visible and limited for her. Het concert was prima, enthousiast ontvangen door mijn dochter. Wel jammer dat het zicht en beperkt was voor haar.
    Verified purchase
    Jan Meijer from Nederland

    went to K3 on 14 november 2022 14:11 at Mainstage Brabanthallen Den Bosch

    Read what Jan Meijer wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Jan Meijer about TopTicketshop

    Good but expensive Goed, maar duur
    Tickets were delivered neatly, but that is also allowed at the fee that is charged for them (you pay almost 2* the face value of the ticket) Kaartjes zijn netjes geleverd, maar dat mag ook wel tegen de fee die hiervoor gevraagd wordt (je betaalt bijna 2* de face value van het ticket)
    Response from Topticketshop: Dear Jan, It is true that our tickets are more expensive than at the original point. We use dynamic pricing based on supply and demand, as is also normal in the flying industry. Ticketmaster also uses this with its platinum tickets. We hope that, despite the higher price, you still had a fantastic evening. Best regards, Martijn Topticketshop Beste Jan, Het klopt dat onze tickets duurder zijn dan bij het originele punt. Wij maken gebruik van dynamic pricing op basis van vraag en aanbod zoals ook normaal is in de vliegindustrie. Ook ticketmaster maakt hier gebruik van bij haar platinum tickets. Wij hopen dat u ondanks de hogere prijs toch een fantastische avond heeft gehad. Met vriendelijke groeten, Martijn Topticketshop
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