• Summit Top
    Summit Top
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    Anonymous from Nederland

    went to Holland International Blues Festival on 16 june 2023 21:49 at The Blues Village Grolloo

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Summit Top
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    Very well arranged. All amenities. And very good music. I came for John Fogerty. In a word, it was fantastic what this legendary singer-songwriter/Leadguitar brought rock & roll as a young god at the age of 78. The Teski Brothers were also good. It was a very good and pleasant day. Heel goed geregeld. Alle voorzieningen. En zeer goede muziek. Ik kwam voor John Fogerty. Het was in één woord fantastisch wat deze legendarische singer-songwriter/ Leadguitar op 78 jarige leeftijd nog rock&roll bracht als een jonge god. De Teski Brothers waren ook goed. Het was een heel goed en gemoedelijke dag.
    Verified purchase
    Petra Schellekens from Nederland

    went to Holland International Blues Festival on 15 june 2023 19:10 at The Blues Village Grolloo

    Read what Petra Schellekens wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Petra Schellekens about TopTicketshop

    You can also buy your tickets here. They are guaranteed to be good. It's just pricey, but what's not pricey. Koop jullie tickets ook hier. Zijn gegarandeerd goed. Alleen wel prijzig, maar wat is er nu niet prijzig.
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  • Top Blues musicians (Joane Shoun Taylor) was the headliner for me! Top muzikanten bij de Blues (Joane Shoun Taylor) was voor mij de headliner!
    Too few seats after a concert. You do want to sit for a while after standing for a long time. Te weinig stoelen na een concert. Je wil wel even zitten na het lange staan.
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from Nederland

    went to Holland International Blues Festival on 21 june 2023 17:22 at The Blues Village Grolloo

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Musicians were great! And the seats weren't there enough after a performance, you'd like to sit down for a while. Muzikanten waren top! En de stoelen waren er te weinig nadat een optreden geweest is wil je wel even zitten.
    Went well, I got my ticket by appointment. Goed verlopen, ik heb m’n ticket gekregen volgens afspraak.
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  • Great atmosphere and great line up. Prima sfeer en goede line up.
    You missed him a bit. Kingfish, in particular, was amazing! Je hebt wat hem gemist. Vooral Kingfish was geweldig!
    Verified purchase
    Hans Matthijs from Nederland

    went to Holland International Blues Festival on 20 june 2023 17:15 at The Blues Village Grolloo

    Read what Hans Matthijs wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Hans Matthijs about TopTicketshop

    Trustworthy. Betrouwbaar.
    Buy tickets risk-free Even below the price. Zonder risico kaarten kopen Nog onder de prijs ook.
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  • You can't call it a Blues festival anymore, more blues bands. Blues festival kan je het niet meer noemen, meer blues bands.
    Verified purchase
    Jan Rona from Vries,Nederland

    went to Holland International Blues Festival on 18 june 2023 08:02 at The Blues Village Grolloo

    Read what Jan Rona wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Jan Rona about TopTicketshop

    Well arranged. Prima geregeld.
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