• Great music and well-organized festival Fantastische muziek en goed georganiseerd festival
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    Anonymous from Gemert,Nederland

    went to Holland International Blues Festival on 18 june 2019 18:03 at The Blues Village Grolloo

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Fantastic program and a well-organized festival Fantastisch programma en een goed georganiseerd festival
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  • Peerless and superb Weergaloos en super
    My compliments AAJohan and the rest fantastic Mijn complimenten aaJohan en de rest fantastisch
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    Anonymous from Hoogezand,Nederland

    went to Holland International Blues Festival on 18 june 2019 15:44 at The Blues Village Grolloo

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Everything is so cool, perfect. Onwijs gaaf alles perfect.
    You had arranged it well. Jullie hadden het goed geregeld .
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  • Grand Grollo Groots Grollo
    enjoyed! the organization 100% on all fronts! music good, a bit annoyed at Morrison who completely ignores the audience! ridiculous, but he always seems to do that... great music and a big orchestra even though the atmosphere wasn't so great on stage... I thought happy with the seats! good luck with the beautiful weather! I give a 9 genoten! de organisatie 100% op àlle fronten! muziek goed, beetje geergerd aan Morrison die het publiek totaal negeert! belachelijk, maar dat schijnt hij altijd te doen....wel top muziek en groots orkest al was de sfeer niet zo geweldig op het podium.....dacht ik blij met de stoeltjes! geluk met het schitterende weer! ik geef een 9
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    Iet Lodewijk from Marknesse,Nederland

    went to Holland International Blues Festival on 18 june 2019 21:27 at The Blues Village Grolloo

    Read what Iet Lodewijk wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Iet Lodewijk about TopTicketshop

    Well arranged Prima geregeld
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  • By the way, we were at the festival for two days. The music was great. There could be more diversity in the food. Other than that, it was great. We waren trouwens twee dagen op het festival. De muziek was top. Er kan meer diversiteit in het eten. Verder was het geweldig.
    Verified purchase
    P.A. van Bergen from Smilde,Nederland

    went to Holland International Blues Festival on 18 june 2019 16:03 at The Blues Village Grolloo

    Read what P.A. van Bergen wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from P.A. van Bergen about TopTicketshop

    Totally good. Helemaal goed.
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  • Too many visitors. It's not fun anymore. This was my 3rd time. Teveel bezoekers . Is nuet leuk meer. Dit was m’n 3e keer.
    I was there with my friend. Neither of us think it's that great. Z top was far too loud instrumentally. The “vocals” were swamped with it. Ik was er met mijn vriend. We vinden het beiden niet zo denderend. ZZ top was insttumentaal veel te hard. De “zang” verzoop er in.
    Verified purchase
    Theo te Brinke from Kralendijk bonaire,Netherlandsantilles

    went to Holland International Blues Festival on 18 june 2019 17:23 at The Blues Village Grolloo

    Read what Theo te Brinke wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Theo te Brinke about TopTicketshop

    Great way to get tickets, they do what they promise. Prima manuer om aan tickets te komen, Ze doen wat ze beloven.
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