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Guus Meeuwis Reviews
This is what our customers think of Guus Meeuwis
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Guus the tallest! Guus de grootste! Card given away to friends and they loved it. Kaart weggegeven aan vrienden en zij vonden het prachtig.

Verified Purchase Rated at: 19 july 2024 17:18
Anonymous from Nederland went to Guus Meeuwis on 14 june 2024 at Philips Stadion Eindhoven
Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshopReview from Anonymous about TopTicketshop
Top ticketshop uses Woeker prices, they resell far too expensive! Woeker prijzen hanteert Top ticketshop, ze verkopen veel te duur door! Outrageously expensive, tickets are normal and affordable via the Guus Meeuwis website, but Top Ticketshop will kick you out! Schandalig duur, kaarten zijn via website Guus Meeuwis normaal en betaalbaar, maar via Top Ticketshop wordt je een poot uitgedraaid!
Response from Topticketshop: Dear customer,
Thank you for leaving a review on our website. Your feedback is very important to us. In this way, you help us improve our services and you also help other consumers make a decision.
We have read your review and would like to comment on it.
It is true that our tickets are sometimes more expensive than at the original point. We use dynamic pricing based on supply and demand, as is also normal in the flying industry. Ticketmaster also uses this with its platinum tickets. We communicate the fact that we are a reseller very clearly on the website. Including the following sentence at the top of the page where the customer lands: You are visiting the Netherlands' most valued reseller of resold tickets. Prices may be higher or lower than the printed value. We also mention the original value with our price and also in the shopping cart. So it's not to be missed. And we also refer to the original point of sale. That's all we can do. We hope that, despite the higher price, you still had a fantastic evening.
Best regards,
Topticketshop Beste klant,
Bedankt voor het schrijven van een review op onze website. Uw feedback vinden wij erg belangrijk. U helpt ons zo onze dienstverlening te verbeteren en ook helpt u andere consumenten met het maken van een beslissing.
Wij hebben uw review gelezen en willen er graag op reageren.
Het klopt dat onze tickets soms duurder zijn dan bij het originele punt. Wij maken gebruik van dynamic pricing op basis van vraag en aanbod zoals ook normaal is in de vliegindustrie. Ook ticketmaster maakt hier gebruik van bij haar platinum tickets. Wij communiceren het feit dat wij een wederverkoper zijn erg duidelijk op de website. Onder andere met de volgende zin bovenaan de pagina waar de klant op landt: U bezoekt Nederlands meest gewaardeerde wederverkoper van doorverkochte tickets. Prijzen kunnen hoger of lager zijn dan de afgedrukte waarde. Ook noemen wij de originele waarde bij onze prijs en ook nog eens in de winkelwagen. Het is dus niet te missen. En verder verwijzen wij ook nog door naar het originele verkooppunt. Meer kunnen wij niet doen. Wij hopen dat u ondanks de hogere prijs toch een fantastische avond heeft gehad.
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Topticketshop very cool too bad he's quitting zeer gaaf jammer dat hij er mee stopt Everything was well organized and was back to normal Alles goed geregeld en was weer als van ouds

Verified Purchase Rated at: 18 july 2024 06:57
Marcel Vermeulen from Papendrecht,Nederland went to Guus Meeuwis on14 june 2024atPhilips Stadion Eindhoven
Read what Marcel Vermeulen wrote about TopTicketshop Review from Marcel Vermeulen about TopTicketshop
Arranged easily and quickly Makkelijk en snel geregeld Took a bit of a look but after a call it was clear Was even kijken maar na een belletje was het duidelijk
Not used to guus Niet gewend van guus Had the goldencircle tickets, but we were looking at the butts the most. This time, the artists were mainly in the middle. The sound was also very bad.
It was the first of the latter but certainly not the best.
All in all, perhaps too high expectations because his other concert was outstanding.
Hadden de goldencircle tickets, maar we keken het meest naar de kontjes. De artiesten stonden dit keer vooral in het midden. Het geluid was ook zeer slecht .
Het was wel de eerste van de laatste maar zeker niet de beste.
Al met al misschien te hoge verwachtingen omdat zijn andere concert uitmuntend was.

Verified Purchase Rated at: 17 july 2024 19:16
Danielle Korporaal from Nederland went to Guus Meeuwis on14 june 2024atPhilips Stadion Eindhoven
Read what Danielle Korporaal wrote about TopTicketshop Review from Danielle Korporaal about TopTicketshop
Always good Altijd goed Off to run out all at the same time afterwards, except well organized Op naar buitennlopen na afloop allemaalntegelijk na goed georganiseerd

Verified Purchase Rated at: 17 july 2024 18:49
Margo Tilmanns from Nederland went to Guus Meeuwis on14 june 2024atPhilips Stadion Eindhoven
Read what Margo Tilmanns wrote about TopTicketshop Review from Margo Tilmanns about TopTicketshop
well Goed High expectations! Ridiculous prices. Hoge verwachtingen ! Belachelijke prijzen. 
Verified Purchase Rated at: 17 july 2024 18:32
Petra Beijer from Nederland went to Guus Meeuwis on14 june 2024atPhilips Stadion Eindhoven
Read what Petra Beijer wrote about TopTicketshop Review from Petra Beijer about TopTicketshop
Well arranged Goed geregeld
Guus Meeuwis Concert Tickets
Looking for tickets to the Guus Meeuwis concert? Look no further! The Guus Meeuwis concert takes place on various dates and in different locations. From Eindhoven to Utrecht and from Breda to Heerlen. There are tickets available for both 2023 and 2024 Guus Meeuwis concerts that you can attend. Which date suits you best? Check it out on this page.
The Story Behind Guus Meeuwis
Tickets for the Guus Meeuwis concert are very popular, but who is Guus Meeuwis and how did he become so successful? Guus Meeuwis became famous for the song "Het is een nacht." He owes his breakthrough to this song, which became a massive success. The song was released by the band he used to be in, Vagant, where he was the lead singer. This success began in 1995, and after that, Guus Meeuwis started a solo career. He released several albums, many of which produced big hits. He is known for his catchy, feel-good music with influences from pop, rock, and folk. His songs often feature lyrics about enjoying life, friendship, and love. You can fully enjoy this atmosphere at a Guus Meeuwis concert.
Guus Meeuwis Concert 2024
Guus Meeuwis is also known for his live performances. He regularly holds concerts in the Netherlands, including his annual "Groots met een zachte G" concerts at the Philips Stadium in Eindhoven. These concerts are hugely popular and attract tens of thousands of people. Besides his music career, Guus Meeuwis has also acted in films and television shows. He is a well-known figure in the Netherlands and continues to enjoy widespread popularity as a singer and entertainer. So, are you looking for tickets to the Guus Meeuwis concert in 2024? Get them now!
Why Buy Tickets for a Guus Meeuwis Concert?
Everyone in the Netherlands knows Guus Meeuwis. Not everyone may love his music, but he's definitely a true Dutch celebrity. Why should you buy tickets for the Guus Meeuwis concert now? Firstly, for the music and entertainment. The Guus Meeuwis concert is known for its infectious and cheerful music. You can easily sing along to the songs, and they often carry a positive message. That makes a Guus Meeuwis concert extra fun. This is another reason to buy tickets: the concerts are always very sociable and have a festive atmosphere. People often go to the concert with friends or family and make it a great day. Furthermore, all Guus Meeuwis concerts are live, so you get a completely unique live experience. You see the artist perform directly on stage, and you feel the interaction between the audience and the artist, in this case, Guus Meeuwis. It's a totally different experience than watching the Guus Meeuwis concert on TV.
Buy Guus Meeuwis Concert Tickets at
We've given you many reasons why you should buy tickets for the Guus Meeuwis concert, but where should you buy them? Of course, at With us, you won’t have to wait in long queues to purchase your tickets. Once you’ve bought your tickets, you'll always receive them well in advance in your inbox. It's common for people to miss out on Guus Meeuwis concerts because they're so popular. With us, you still have a chance to get tickets. Enjoy the best service and the cheapest tickets with us. From tickets for musicals to concerts and from entertainment shows to festivals, you’ll find everything at Besides tickets for the Guus Meeuwis concert, you can also get tickets for
Vrienden van Amstel LIVE,
Soldaat van Oranje, and
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