Guns N Roses has 2 concerts at the moment. Don't miss the Guns N Roses concert and order your tickets right now!
Foto: Slash (Guns N’ Roses) – Fotocredits: Ed Vill (Flickr – CC BY 2.0)
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Guns N Roses Reviews
This is what our customers think of Guns N Roses
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- unforgettable onvergetelijk
was a great evening with nice weather was een top avond met mooi weer
Mieke broens from Linschoten,NederlandVerified Purchase Rated at: 22 july 2023 14:36went to Guns N Roses on11 july 2023atEvenemententerrein Weert NoordWeert
Read what Mieke broens wrote about TopTicketshopTranslated by TopTicketShop Show original - As usual. Als vanouds.
At the golden circle, taping was slow. Only 1 crane was active at each corner of a buffet, while there were two. That's why you had to wait a long time for a drink. At least 15 min. Very annoying, caused irritation among many. Really badly arranged. That crane must flow, that's your income. Bij de golden circle was het tapwerk traag. Op iedere hoek van een buffet was maar 1 kraan actief, terwijl er wel twee waren. Je moest daarom heel lang wachten op wat te drinken. Zeker 15 min. Erg vervelend , wekte irritatie op bij velen. Echt slecht geregeld. Die kraan moet vloeien, dat zijn je inkomsten.
Anonymous from NederlandVerified Purchase Rated at: 20 july 2023 23:17went to Guns N Roses on 11 july 2023 at Evenemententerrein Weert Noord Weert
Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshopTranslated by TopTicketShop Show original - Well organized Goed georganiseerdAnonymous from Venlo,NederlandVerified Purchase Rated at: 20 july 2023 21:27
went to Guns N Roses on 11 july 2023 at Evenemententerrein Weert Noord Weert
Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshopTranslated by TopTicketShop Show original - only with the heat, too few shady spots alleen met de hitte te weinig schaduw plekken
we stood between the golden circle and the camera man's stage. when a lady next to us didn't get well, the man standing at this stage (I think someone from sgravendeel) reacted very well. immediately called for a bhv. packed water out of the cooler for the woman. super nice and kept a close eye on her after the emergency response had leaved. a compliment to him wij stonden tussen de golden cirkel en het podium van de camera man. toen er een dame naast ons niet goed werd reageerde de man welke bij dit podium stond(ik meen iemand uit sgravendeel) heel erg goed. gelijk bhv opgeroepen. uit de koelbox water gepakt voor de vrouw . super aardig en hield haar na dat de bhv weg was gegaan goed in de gaten. een compliment voor hem
Anonymous from Rotterdam,NederlandVerified Purchase Rated at: 20 july 2023 14:07went to Guns N Roses on 11 july 2023 at Evenemententerrein Weert Noord Weert
Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshopTranslated by TopTicketShop Show original - Nostalgia, recognisable Nostalgie, herkenbaar
Great music, and nice to hear back. Unfortunately, Axl's voice and moves on stage are no longer what GNR was known to be. Muziek prima, en fijn om terug te horen. Helaas is Axls stem en moves op het podium niet meer zoals GNR bekend was.
Helmut Grams from NederlandVerified Purchase Rated at: 19 july 2023 22:13went to Guns N Roses on11 july 2023atEvenemententerrein Weert NoordWeert
Read what Helmut Grams wrote about TopTicketshopTranslated by TopTicketShop Show original
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