Gladys Knight

Gladys Knight Tickets

 Foto: Author: Kingkongphoto from Laurel Maryland, USA (edited) Wikimedia Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license

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Unfortunately we currently have no tickets available for Gladys Knight. Register for the TopTicketshop TICKETALERT. You will then automatically receive a message from us when tickets are available again. This way you never have to miss a Gladys Knight show again!

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Gladys Knight Reviews

Based on 51 reviews

This is what our customers think of Gladys Knight

Topticketshop collects reviews from real customers. It is not possible to leave a review if you have not purchased tickets from Topticketshop. Reviews with coarse language and/or untruths will not be posted. It may take several weeks before a review is posted.

  • Gladys was awesome!!!! Gladys was geweldig!!!!
    Verified purchase
    Sylvana Vreden from Nederland

    went to Gladys Knight on 6 july 2024 17:22 at Carre Amsterdam

    Read what Sylvana Vreden wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Sylvana Vreden about TopTicketshop

    Too bad we didn't know in advance that we had purchased resold tickets. Jammer dat we niet vooraf wisten dat we doorverkochte tickets hadden gekocht.
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  • Due to the shortage of seats, the presence was short lived t.g.v. het te kort aan zitplaatsen is aanwezigheid van korte duur geweest
    Since the basis of this performance is attended by older people, sufficient seats are a must. If that turns out not to be the case and you are therefore unable or practically unable to attend the expensive concert, this is very annoying. So this should still be taken into account. The cost of the concert (€250, -) is then very high! Daar de basis van dit optreden door toch wel oudere mensen wordt bijgewoond zijn voldoende zitplaatsen een must. Als dat niet blijkt te zijn en men dus het toch kostbare concert niet of praktisch niet kan bijwonen is dit zeer vervelend. Hier dient men dus toch rekening mee te houden. De kosten van het concert (€ 250,-) zijn dan zeer hoog!
    Verified purchase
    Jan Bentink from Nederland

    went to Gladys Knight on 4 july 2024 09:21 at Muziekgebouw Eindhoven Eindhoven

    Read what Jan Bentink wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Jan Bentink about TopTicketshop

    Planning and organization see above Planning en organisatie zie boven
    Take more account of the age group of these concerts when it comes to seating/standing places Meer rekening houden met de leeftijdsgroep van deze concerten m.b.t. zit/ staanplaatsen
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  • marvelous Fantastisch
    Very well organized and tidy. Gladish was great! I had never been to Carre before. What's too small, if you're a bit big, you don't fit in the chairs, it's a long show Zeer goed georganiseerd en oordelijk. Gladish was top! Ik was nog nooit eerder in Carre geweest. Wat is t klein, als je een beetje fors bent pas je niet in de stoelen, dan is het een lange voorstelling
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from Nederland

    went to Gladys Knight on 30 june 2024 20:42 at Carre Amsterdam

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Well arranged Goed geregeld
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  • Bad sound Slecht geluid
    You can tell that she is a bit older, but still pretty. Je merkt wel dat ze wat ouder is maar toch wel knap
    Verified purchase
    Wolf Eddy Waas from Nederland

    went to Gladys Knight on 29 june 2024 20:25 at Carre Amsterdam

    Read what Wolf Eddy Waas wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Wolf Eddy Waas about TopTicketshop

    Promised seats. Beloofde plaatsen.
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  • It was great. What a voice that woman still has! Het was geweldig. Wat een stem heeft die vrouw nog!
    It's spectacular how an 80-year-old singer completely flattened the audience. Het is spectaculair hoe een zangeres van 80 jaar de zaal helemaal plat kreeg.
    Verified purchase
    Jacqueline Heinink from Haarlem,Nederland

    went to Gladys Knight on 2 july 2024 10:12 at Carre Amsterdam

    Read what Jacqueline Heinink wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Jacqueline Heinink about TopTicketshop

    It's okay to reserve tickets with TopTicket Het is prima om kaarten te reserveren bij TopTicket
    well Goed
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