Gavin Degraw

Gavin Degraw Tickets

 Foto: GavinDegraw (modified) - Fotocredits Martijn vdS - Flickr Commons (CC BY 2.0)

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Gavin Degraw Reviews

Based on 6 reviews

This is what our customers think of Gavin Degraw

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  • Feast of Recognition Feest van herkenning
    fun Leuk
    Verified Purchase Rated at: 30 october 2024 17:20
    G.J.A. van de Grint from Eindhoven,Nederland

    went to Gavin Degraw on28 october 2024atAFAS LiveAmsterdam

    Read what G.J.A. van de Grint wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from G.J.A. van de Grint about TopTicketshop

    fine Prima
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • So fun and fun that we called with our hearts full! Zo leuk en gezellig dat we met volle borst meegeblrd hebben!
    During the concert, we were completely energized and gave us a lot of energy. As a result, we were able to hold out for 2 more days of King's Day afterwards. Tijdens het concert leefde wij helemaal op en wij kregen enorm veel energie ervan. Hierdoor hebben wij erna nog 2 dagen koningsdag vol kunnen houden.
    Verified Purchase Rated at: 28 april 2017 11:25
    Anonymous from Nijmegen,Nederland

    went to Gavin Degraw on 26 april 2017 at TivoliVredenburg Utrecht

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Good service, but it remains a shame that the prices are higher. Goede service, maar het blijft jammer dat de prijzen hoger uitvallen.
    See answer above. Zie bovenstaande antwoord.
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • terrific Geweldig
    Verified Purchase Rated at: 28 october 2024 17:15
    Anonymous from Nederland

    went to Gavin Degraw on 24 october 2024 at Koninklijk Circus Brussel

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Well arranged Goed geregeld
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  • Great voice and musicians and what a passion from the whole band Geweldige stem en muzikanten en wat een passie van de gehele band
    Intimate and a fantastic experience Intiem en een fantastische ervaring
    Verified Purchase Rated at: 21 october 2023 11:20
    Anonymous from Nederland

    went to Gavin Degraw on 12 october 2023 at TivoliVredenburg Utrecht

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Good reminders and pleasant service Goede reminders en prettige service
    I keep coming back so not a bad word. Ik kom steeds terug dus geen slecht woord
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • Super intimate! Super intiem!
    Vredenburg has a nice locker system. The music was pleasant in terms of decibels! And because of the size of the space, it's very intimate. You do hear people literally chatting in between, it's that intimate. It was very warm inside! Other than that, Gavin sang beautifully and also enjoyed us as an engaged and enthusiastic audience. Fijn lockersysteem heeft Vredenburg. Muziek was qua decibel aangenaam! En door de grootte van de ruimte erg intiem. Je hoort wel mensen letterlijk kletsen tussendoor, zo intiem is het. Was wel erg warm binnen! Verder dan dat heeft Gavin prachtig gezongen en genoot hij ook van ons als betrokken en enthousiast publiek.
    Verified Purchase Rated at: 13 october 2023 16:53
    Anonymous from Nederland

    went to Gavin Degraw on 12 october 2023 at TivoliVredenburg Utrecht

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Clear and good preparation instructions Duidelijk en goede instructies aan voorbereiding
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