Francis Van Broekhuizen En Gregor Bak

Francis Van Broekhuizen En Gregor Bak Tickets

Francis Van Broekhuizen En Gregor Bak TicketAlert

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Francis Van Broekhuizen En Gregor Bak Reviews

Based on 22 reviews

This is what our customers think of Francis Van Broekhuizen En Gregor Bak

Topticketshop collects reviews from real customers. It is not possible to leave a review if you have not purchased tickets from Topticketshop. Reviews with coarse language and/or untruths will not be posted. It may take several weeks before a review is posted.

  • Surprising, relaxed, humorous and, above all, very beautiful. Verrassend, ontspannen humoristisch en vooral heel mooi.
    In one word, great. In een woord geweldig.
    Verified purchase
    Jeroen Dillen van from 's-Hertogenbosch,Nederland

    went to Francis Van Broekhuizen En Gregor Bak on 4 june 2024 17:23 at Theater Markant Maashorst Uden

    Read what Jeroen Dillen van wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Jeroen Dillen van about TopTicketshop

    Well and easily arranged Goed en makkelijk geregeld
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • I never thought this could be so beautiful Nooit gedacht dat dit zo mooi kan zijn
    very very good and 2 hours was just enough heel erg goed en 2 uur was precies genoeg
    Verified purchase
    Lia Diepstraten from Nijmegen,Nederland

    went to Francis Van Broekhuizen En Gregor Bak on 28 may 2024 10:08 at Theater Markant Maashorst Uden

    Read what Lia Diepstraten wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Lia Diepstraten about TopTicketshop

    First purchase so no experience yet Eerste aankoop dus nog geen ervaring
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  • Packed with humor and class! Vol humor en met klasse gebracht!
    The world of opera has been made a little more accessible again by the fantastic music created by the historical images and stories, but above all by her beautiful performances! De wereld van de opera is weer een stukje toegankelijker gemaakt door de fantastische muziek vormgegeven door de historische beelden en verhalen maar bovenal door haar prachtige vertolkingen!
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from Nederland

    went to Francis Van Broekhuizen En Gregor Bak on 27 may 2024 20:14 at Theater Markant Maashorst Uden

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Honest and reliable but much more expensive than regular tickets Eerlijk en betrouwbaar maar erg veel duurder dan de gewone tickets
    well Goed
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • Witty, hilarious, superb, with Francis' fantastic, moving voice as highlights Geestig, hilarisch, super, met als hoogtepunten de fantastische, ontroerende stem van Francis
    Verified purchase
    Rudel Van der Kaay from Nederland

    went to Francis Van Broekhuizen En Gregor Bak on 21 may 2024 12:52 at Schouwburg Amstelveen Amstelveen

    Read what Rudel Van der Kaay wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Rudel Van der Kaay about TopTicketshop

    Professional, perfect Professioneel, perfect
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • terrific Geweldig
    It was a lovely evening because of the atmosphere and craftsmanship of both, in which Francis played the largest part. With her voice and comedy stories, she provided a great show. Het was een mooie avond door de sfeer en vakmanschap van beiden waarin Francis het grootste aandeel had. Met haar stem en komische verhalen zorgde zij voor een geweldig voorstelling.
    Verified purchase
    Jacob Heidemans from Nederland

    went to Francis Van Broekhuizen En Gregor Bak on 10 june 2024 18:16 at Openluchttheater Caprera Bloemendaal

    Read what Jacob Heidemans wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Jacob Heidemans about TopTicketshop

    well Goed
    Exactly as agreed Precies zoals afgesproken
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