• Enjoy an evening!! Een avondje genieten!!
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from houten,Nederland

    went to Claudia De Breij on 23 may 2014 19:53 at Koninklijke Schouwburg Den Haag

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    All I can do is give compliments. Everything went smoothly and the tickets were also received well in time. Ik kan alleen maar complimenten geven. Alles verliep soepeltjes en de tickets waren ook ruim op tijd binnen.
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • surprising, never rude, socially moving, brings the impossible closer, if you want to see a different kind of cabaret, I recommend this performance verrassend, nooit grof, maarschappelijk bewogen, brengt het onmogelike, dichterbijwanneer je eens een ander soort cabaret wil zien, raad ik je deze coorstelling aan
    Great cabaret, typically feminine approach, a breath of fresh air! Never vulgar, hurtful, makes you think, enormously expanding and happy, even though she doesn't shy away from emotions, very recognisable. Prima cabaret, benadering typisch vrouwelijk, een verademing! Nooit ordinair, kwetsend, zet je aan het denken, enorm verruimend en vrolijk, ook al schuwt ze emoties niet, heel herkenbaar.
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from den haag,Nederland

    went to Claudia De Breij on 23 may 2014 10:19 at Koninklijke Schouwburg Den Haag

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Fine, just had no idea what package was waiting for me in the mail. Prima, had alleen geen idee, welk pakketje er voor mij bij de post lag te wzchten.
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • Great to listen to Geweldig om naar te luisteren
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from huissen,Nederland

    went to Claudia De Breij on 16 may 2014 17:42 at Orpheus Apeldoorn

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    We will never order via TopTicketShop again. Don't you really feel embarrassed if you paid more than twice for a ticket? Very awkward as soon as you get the E-tickets. Wij zullen nooit meer via TopTicketShop bestellen.Voel je je toch echt genept als je meer dan het dubbele hebt betaald voor een kaartje. Erg lullig zodra je de E-tickets krijgt.
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • Surprising! Verrassend!
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from helmond,Nederland

    went to Claudia De Breij on 16 may 2014 08:11 at Orpheus Apeldoorn

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Excellent service Prima service
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • very much enjoyed erg genoten
    What I liked was that it also had a message. Het mooie vond ik dat er ook een boodschap in zat.
    Verified purchase
    Renata sinke from de bilt,Nederland

    went to Claudia De Breij on 29 april 2014 11:46 at Wilminktheater Enschede

    Read what Renata sinke wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Renata sinke about TopTicketshop

    Very good, reliable Erg goed, betrouwbaar
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
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