• What an artist. Fantastic and characters so innovative. Wat een kunstenaar. Fantastisch en tekens zo vernieuwend.
    Very cozy and smooth. Nice that the doors were open early.Relaxed night out.Top acoustics and audibility. I wear hearing aids but that wasn't a problem. Heel gezellig en soepel. Fijn, dat de deuren vroeg open waren.Relaxed avond uit.Top akoestiek en verstaanbaarheid. Ik draag hoortoestellen maar dat was geen probleem.
    Verified purchase
    C.J. Wijnbelt from sGravenhage,Nederland

    went to Bob Dylan on 20 april 2017 19:20 at AFAS Live Amsterdam

    Read what C.J. Wijnbelt wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from C.J. Wijnbelt about TopTicketshop

    Well taken care of. Good and clear information in advance. A reflection afterwards. Top. Prima verzorgd. Goede en duidelijke informatie vooraf. Een reflectie achteraf. Top.
    If you want to go to a concert, check the Topticketshop website for a ticket. Everything is well organized. Als je naar een concert wil kijk op de website van Topticketshop voor een kaartje. Alles wordt goed geregeld.
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  • The legend was in good voice De legende was goed bij stem
    Was fun, in the company of many elderly people in the box Was leuk,in gezelschap van veel ouderen in de blokkendoos
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from Amsterdam,Nederland

    went to Bob Dylan on 19 april 2017 19:48 at AFAS Live Amsterdam

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Expensive though Wel duur
    Expensive, but otherwise the service was ok. Wel duur, maar verder was de service wel ok.
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  • bit arrogant but great beetje arrogant maar geweldig
    great artist, unfortunately he came on did his thing and went again without interacting with the audience. But enjoyed it very much geweldige artiest, helaas kwam hij op deed zijn ding en ging weer zonder interactie met publiek. Maar gewldig genoten
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from Amsterdam,Nederland

    went to Bob Dylan on 19 april 2017 19:24 at AFAS Live Amsterdam

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    You order and you get Je besteld en je krijgt
    Orders go months before the concert and you will receive the tickets a week in advance. Would have liked to receive them earlier but they do deliver good tickets Bestelling gaat maanden voor het concert en een week vooraf krijg je de kaarten. had ze graag eerder ontvangen maar ze leveren wel goede tickets
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  • A confirmation of my childhood Een bevestiging van mijn jeugd
    I grew up with Bob Dylan's music. It's like I know him personally. Kind of like my grandfather. When I watch old videos of me taking my first steps, I hear No Time To Think in the background. When I hear Bob Dylan's music, I go back to my carefree and happy childhood. It makes me feel so good. When I heard that Bob was coming to the Netherlands, my father and I decided to visit the concert together. I had no idea what to expect. Would he disappoint me? Would he be a totally different person? Or would he be exactly like I've always thought? The latter was true. When he came in, stood at his piano! and I heard his voice, I couldn't stop laughing. I had a smile on my face for 1.45 hours and no one could get it off. I really enjoyed it. I had secretly hoped to hear some more songs from his old albums, but this didn't make the event any less amazing. I am a happy person. Thanks Bob! And top ticket shop! Without you, I couldn't and shouldn't have experienced this: Ik ben opgegroeid met de muziek van Bob Dylan. Het lijkt net alsof ik hem persoonlijk ken. Een soort van opa van mij. Wanneer ik oude videos terug kijk waarop ik mijn eerste stapjes zet, hoor ik No Time To Think op de achtergrond. Wanneer ik de muziek van Bob Dylan hoor, ga ik weer terug naar mijn zorgeloze en fijne jeugd. Het geeft me zon goed gevoel. Toen ik hoorde dat Bob in Nederland zou komen, besloten mijn vader en ik samen het concert te bezoeken. Ik had geen idee wat ik kon verwachten. Zou hij mij teleurstellen? Zou hij een totaal ander persoon zijn? Of zou hij juist precies zo zijn als ik altijd gedacht heb? Het laatste was waar. Wanneer hij binnen kwam, achter zijn piano ging staan! en ik zijn stem hoorde, kon ik niet meer stoppen met lachen. Ik had 1,45 uur een lach op mijn gezicht staan en die kreeg niemand er meer af. Ik heb enorm genoten. Ik had stiekem gehoopt wat meer nummers van zijn oude albums te horen, maar dit maakte niets minder geweldig aan het evenement. Ik ben een gelukkig mens. Thanks Bob! En topticketshop! Zonder jullie had ik dit niet kunnen en mogen meemaken :
    Verified purchase
    Karlijn Bakker from Urk,Nederland

    went to Bob Dylan on 19 april 2017 18:21 at AFAS Live Amsterdam

    Read what Karlijn Bakker wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Karlijn Bakker about TopTicketshop

    My experience with TopTicketShop has been great, no problems, everything clear, great instructions. You make people happy. Mijn ervaring met TopTicketshop is super, geen problemen, alles duidelijk, goede instructies. Jullie maken mensen blij.
    At this TopTicketShop, I want to thank you for this oh so meaningful evening for me. The tickets for April 17 sold out so quickly... Because of you, I was able to get there. The price only made a difference of 10! with the original ticket price. The instructions and information were very clear. I had no more questions or concerns, even though I found it all very exciting. After all, this was my first concert. I'm going to recommend you to everyone who is looking for Tickets! Once again, Thank you so much! Ik wil bij deze TopTicketshop bedanken voor deze oh zo betekenisvolle avond voor mij. De kaarten voor 17 april waren al zo snel uitverkocht... Door jullie kon ik er terecht. De prijs scheelde maar 10! met de originele ticketprijs. De instructies en informatie was heel duidelijk. Ik had geen vragen of zorgen meer, ook al vond ik het allemaal heel spannend. Dit was namelijk mijn eerste concert. Ik ga jullie aanbevelen bij iedereen die opzoek is naar Tickets!Nogmaals,Super bedankt!
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  • Dylan plays in a beautiful bubble Dylan plays in a beautiful bubble
    Bob Dylan in Amsterdam - really great to be able to see the legend in action. A combination of mainly more recent work and some of the well known standards, the latter played with an up to date and clearly very personal interpretation e.g. fantastic that he played Blowinin the wind for the encore but the tune would have been unrecognisable without the words!. Really tight, high quality band, Dylan providing a rocking left hand on piano standing and singing up front. The biggest shame was that he made no effort to connect with the audience - not one word spoken! Started in the dark, ended by standing in silence with the band, facing the audience for a few seconds then he was gone. Such a shame for the fans - we wanted to hear something... Hello Amsterdam, great to be here for instance. It was the same with Van Morrison a couple of years ago and it comes over as distant and almost arrogant. Also irritating the almost constant stream of latecomers who walked in through the first 20 minutes of his performance - disruptive and not respectful of the artistthose who came on time. Bob Dylan in Amsterdam - really great to be able to see the legend in action. A combination of mainly more recent work and some of the well known standards, the latter played with an up to date and clearly very personal interpretation e.g. fantastic that he played Blowinin the wind for the encore but the tune would have been unrecognisable wiothout the words!. Really tight, high quality band, Dylan providing a rocking left hand on pianostanding and singing up front. The biggest shame was that he made no effort to connect with the audience - not one word spoken! Started in the dark, ended by standing in silence with the band, fcaing the audienc for a few seconds then he was gone. Such a shame for the fans - we wanted to hear something... Hello Amsterdam, great to be here for instance. It was the same with Van Morrison a couple of years ago and it comes over as distant and almost arrogant. Also irritating the almost constant stream of latecomers who walked in through the first 20 minutes of his performance - disruptive and not repsectful of the artistthose who came on time.
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from Bennekom ,Nederland

    went to Bob Dylan on 19 april 2017 17:25 at AFAS Live Amsterdam

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Effective and efficient service Effective and efficient service
    Great visuals allow easy selection of seats, regular email updates on progress, possibility to change mailing address and nice last minute check mail to let you know most important things before coming. Great visuals allow easy selection of seats, regular email updates on progress, possibility to change mailing address and nice last minute check mail to let you know most important things before coming.
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