• unpredictable; quirky; still intriguing; enjoyed again onberekenbaar;eigenzinnig;nog steeds intrigerend;weer genoten
    don't expect songs like he sang them in the seventies, but he still dictates to his musicians... he sets rhythms etc... but also gives them the freedom to complete it in their own way 81 and still in charge... fantastic... verwacht geen nummers zoals hij ze in de zeventiger jaren zong, maar hij dicteert nog steeds zijn muzikanten.........hij bepaalt ritme enz......maar geeft ze ook de vrijheid het op hun eigen manier aan te vullen 81 en dan nog zo de leiding hebben.....fantastisch.......
    Verified purchase
    Martien Pennings from Boxtel,Nederland

    went to Bob Dylan on 18 october 2022 08:07 at AFAS Live Amsterdam

    Read what Martien Pennings wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Martien Pennings about TopTicketshop

    Everything clear and well handled Alles duidelijk en goed afgehandeld
    That top Dat bovenste
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • Impressive, compelling and moving.. Indrukwekkend, meeslepend en ontroerend..
    What a bell of a voice! And so special to see this man, an icon in the history of music. Very nice that no one was busy with their phone. Wat een klok van een stem! En zo bijzonder om deze man mee te maken, een icoon in de geschiedenis van de muziek. Heel fijn dat niemand bezig was met zn telefoon.
    Verified purchase
    Ingrid Keldernan from Nederland

    went to Bob Dylan on 18 october 2022 07:39 at AFAS Live Amsterdam

    Read what Ingrid Keldernan wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Ingrid Keldernan about TopTicketshop

    After payment, they were careful with their information. Na betaling waren ze zorgvuldig met hun informatie.
    I had to make a lot of effort to pay. Ik heb erg veel moeite moeten doen om te kunnen betalen.
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • Absolutely a wonderful performance! Ronduit een schitterend optreden!
    You should have seen this! Dit had je gezien moeten hebben!
    Verified purchase
    Jan Visser from Purmerend,Nederland

    went to Bob Dylan on 18 october 2022 07:25 at AFAS Live Amsterdam

    Read what Jan Visser wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Jan Visser about TopTicketshop

    Very good. Heel goed.
    Everything was well organized, no noise at all! Alles was uitstekend geregeld, geen enkele wanklank!
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • Fragile, static, barely understandable, 81 so understandable. Broos, statisch, amper te verstaan, 81 dus begrijpelijk.
    Verified purchase
    Jan Appel from Haarlem,Nederland

    went to Bob Dylan on 18 october 2022 08:20 at AFAS Live Amsterdam

    Read what Jan Appel wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Jan Appel about TopTicketshop

    Good communication and organization of Goede communicatie en organisatie van
    It was great that I was able to experience this concert. Mooi dat ik dit concert heb mogen meemaken.
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
  • Bad room, nothing decorated. Slechte zaal, aankleding van niks.
    Verified purchase
    Henk Jan Kamphuis from Nederland

    went to Bob Dylan on 18 october 2022 07:30 at AFAS Live Amsterdam

    Read what Henk Jan Kamphuis wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Henk Jan Kamphuis about TopTicketshop

    Tickets were wrong. Tickets klopten niet.
    Response from Topticketshop: Dear Henk, Sorry that you are not satisfied with our services. We will use your feedback to try to improve our services. Thanks for your response and hope to see you soon. Best regards, Joost Topticketshop Beste Henk, Vervelend dat u niet tevreden bent met onze diensten. Wij zullen uw feedback gebruiken om te proberen onze dienstverlening te verbeteren. Bedankt voor uw reactie en hopelijk tot ziens. Met vriendelijke groeten, Joost Topticketshop
    Translated by TopTicketShop Show original Show translation
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