• A lovely evening Een heerlijke avond
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    Anonymous from Groningen,Nederland

    went to Ashton Brothers on 9 july 2019 13:37 at Slot Zeist Zeist

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    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Well arranged Prima geregeld
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  • fantastic show fantastische voorstelling
    Just a fantastic show with scenes that are so simple but too good to let them go by. Very well thought out. Gewoon een fantastische voorstelling met scenes die zo simpel zijn maar te mooi om ze voorbij te laten gaan. Heel erg goed bedacht.
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    Anonymous from Helmond,Nederland

    went to Ashton Brothers on 9 july 2019 10:49 at Slot Zeist Zeist

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    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Okay Oke
    There was an error on my e-ticket. It didn't have my name on it but someone else's. I think it could be a problem. Er was een foutje geslopen op mijn e-ticket. Mijn naam stond er niet op maar die van een ander. Kan problemen opleveren denk ik.
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  • Crazy, musical and super creative performance! Knettergek, muzikaal en supercreatief optreden !
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    Anonymous from Bunnik,Nederland

    went to Ashton Brothers on 8 july 2019 21:30 at Slot Zeist Zeist

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    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Fine Prima
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  • Fantastic. How do they come up with it. And that for almost two hours. Chapeau! Fantastisch. Hoe bedenken ze het. En dat bijna twee uur lang. Chapeau !
    You have to see this! Dit moet je gaan zien !
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    Anonymous from Amstelveen,Nederland

    went to Ashton Brothers on 8 july 2019 19:00 at Slot Zeist Zeist

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    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Fine. Too bad that there were no 9 places available, but that was solved very well by an employee. 3 x 3 places in section C, in rows 6, 7 and 8. One after the other. I think we had a better view than in the lodge! Prima. Jammer dat er geen 9 logeplaatsen beschikbaar waren, maar dat is heel goed opgelost door een medewerker. 3 x 3 plaatsen in vak C, op rij 6, 7 en 8. Achter elkaar. Ik denk, dat wij beter zicht hadden dan in de loge !
    I was wary after the failure of the Little Comedy (Richard Groenendijk) - bad seats and very expensive - but this time it was good. Ik was huiverig na de echec van de Kleine Komedie (Richard Groenendijk) - slechte plaatsen en heel duur - maar deze keer was het goed.
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  • Breathless, laughing, moving Ademloos,lachen,ontroerend
    After many years of attending the shows in the theater, it was time for Ashtonia. We absolutely love the show. The care around it was also well organized. Na al vele jaren de voorstellingen in hey theater bijgewoond te hebben, werd het tijd voor Ashtonia. Helemaal geweldig vinden wij de voorstelling. De verzorging er rond omheen was ok prima geregeld.
    Verified purchase
    Anonymous from 's-Hertogenbosch,Nederland

    went to Ashton Brothers on 8 july 2019 16:57 at Slot Zeist Zeist

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Well arranged Prima geregeld
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