• Great to see the characters in real life! Geweldig om de figuren in het echt te zien!
    Top show with lots of disney characters. Too bad it didn't take a little longer. The stories were well told and the acting/skating was also very good. Too bad it wasn't a little more spectacular sometimes. Top show met veel disney figuren. Jammer dat het niet wat langer duurde. De verhalen werden goed verteld en het acteer/schaatswerk was ook erg goed. Jammer dat het soms niet iets spectaculairder was.
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    Pascal Zijlmans from Breda,Nederland

    went to Disney On Ice on 2 january 2017 18:45 at Amsterdam Rai Amsterdam

    Read what Pascal Zijlmans wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Pascal Zijlmans about TopTicketshop

    Good site to buy tickets Goede site om tickets te kopen
    Easy site to buy tickets. Everything organized. Makkelijke site om tickets te kopen. Alles overzichtelijk.
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  • The children's heart opened Het kinderhart ging open
    Everything was perfect except the break was too short to take anything. Alles was perfect behalve de pauze was te kort om iets te nemen.
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    Anne Vleming from Haarlem,Nederland

    went to Disney On Ice on 2 january 2017 11:49 at Amsterdam Rai Amsterdam

    Read what Anne Vleming wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anne Vleming about TopTicketshop

    Fine, went smoothly Prima, ging soepel
    Everything was clear Alles stond er duidelijk
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  • The way people skated was really sometimes incredibly good. The costumes were also very nice. Hoe er werd geschaatst was echt soms ongelooflijk goed.Ook de kostuums waren heel mooi.
    I thought it was a very special show. I was glad I went. I hadn't been there for years. I went with my 23-year-old daughter. Ik vond het een heel bijzondere show.Was blij dat ik geweest ben. Ik was jaren niet geweest nl.Ik ben samen met mijn dochter van 23 jaar geweest.
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    Anonymous from Zoetermeer,Nederland

    went to Disney On Ice on 2 january 2017 21:18 at Amsterdam Rai Amsterdam

    Read what Anonymous wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Anonymous about TopTicketshop

    Was arranged quickly. Had to print the tickets elsewhere, which was a bit difficult. Was snel geregeld.Moest wel even ergens anders de tickets printen, wat weer wat lastig was.
    Too bad I had to print the tickets. Surely it should be possible differently in this digital society. Jammer dat ik de tickets moest printen. Zou toch anders moeten kunnen in deze digitale maatschappij.
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  • Magical, an enchanting atmosphere for my daughter Magisch, een betoverende sfeer voor mijn dochter
    Nice show with some substantial differences compared to last year. Mooie show met toch wat wezelijke verschillen t.o.v. vorig jaar.
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    H.A.J Bakker from Capelle aan den IJssel,Nederland

    went to Disney On Ice on 2 january 2017 15:53 at Amsterdam Rai Amsterdam

    Read what H.A.J Bakker wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from H.A.J Bakker about TopTicketshop

    After doubts about tickets, I spoke to you in a different way, in a customer-friendly and professional way. Na twijfel over tickets op andere naam klantvriendelijk en professioneel te woord gestaan
    Reselling tickets is confusing. But it turns out to be reliable. Important. De doorverkoop van kaarten werkt verwarrend. Maar blijkt wel betrouwbaar. Belangrijk.
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  • was fun for the kids to experience. was leuk voor de kinderen om een keer mee te maken.
    Verified purchase
    Ton Swagers from Barneveld,Nederland

    went to Disney On Ice on 2 january 2017 10:57 at Amsterdam Rai Amsterdam

    Read what Ton Swagers wrote about TopTicketshop

    Review from Ton Swagers about TopTicketshop

    tickets were quick and clear to print. Tickets waren er snel en duidelijk om te printen .
    Went very well with the tickets, but they weren't in the stands I had indicated. In my opinion, these were cheaper places so I feel a little cheated. Ging heel goed met de tickets waren alleen niet op de tribune die ik had aangegeven.Naar mijn mening waren dit goedkopere plekken dus voel me lichtelijk belazerd.
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